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Why Mazi? Hear from our first backers, Satgana – a global SDG venture builder

Why Mazi? Hear from our first backers, Satgana – a global SDG venture builder

Hear from the Founder and CEO of Satgana “The urgent need to decarbonise our economies places transportation at the cusp of a fundamental shift towards electric solutions, and mobility in Africa is ripe for disruption. As such, Satgana is beyond excited to be involved in the launch of Mazi and truly believes in the founding…

Mazi’s Battery as a Service Model – An alternative to charging  stations in the Electric automobile industry.

Mazi’s Battery as a Service Model – An alternative to charging stations in the Electric automobile industry.

Boda operators are entrepreneurs, they are hustlers. Working for over 10 hours a day most days they are always on the move. It, therefore, follows that some of their highest costs will be reflected in the amount of fuel consumption. Mazi’s answer is to introduce electric motorbikes to reduce than half this cost. However, a…