Mazi’s Battery as a Service Model – An alternative to charging stations in the Electric automobile industry.

Boda operators are entrepreneurs, they are hustlers. Working for over 10 hours a day most days they are always on the move. It, therefore, follows that some of their highest costs will be reflected in the amount of fuel consumption.

Mazi’s answer is to introduce electric motorbikes to reduce than half this cost. However, a major challenge still remains. EV charging just takes too long while fast chargers are expensive to fully roll out in Africa. To be effective, Mazi is introducing battery swapping for our customers in a model we term Battery as a Service. Moreover, we are building an app that will enable riders to access a fully charged battery at a touch of a button mitigating range anxiety and downtime. 99% availability across Nairobi.

How does it work?

We are tracking our batteries and their state of charge. When the batteries fall below a certain threshold, we will prompt our riders to pass through a designated swapping station. When the rider arrives, Mazi will perform a quick battery swap in about 30 seconds exchanging a drained battery with a fully charged one. Our plan is to have our riders worry about what they do best, ride, we will handle the rest.

To fully enable this service to take off, Mazi retains ownership of all the batteries in our network. This is key to avoid a variety of challenges over who owns what and to clearly define liability. Moreover, we will constantly watch out for the rapid developments in battery tech and enable our customers to move with the times. Another advantage is that we can keep the total cost of personal vehicle ownership low while incentivizing a true e-mobility revolution.

Welcome to Mazi’s Battery Swap Solution.

Twende Kazi na Mazi!

by Mazi Team